Come Time With Me - interactive one to one performance will be available to experience as part of Hatch's next event which is part of Side Show.
It will be at Nottingham Castle
Wednesday 10 November 2010
Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery 6pm – 9pm
Followed by The Castle Pub opposite 9pm until late
Nottingham-based performance and live art platform, Hatch, has invited sixteen artists to respond to notions of time. For one night only, they storm Nottingham Castle and the Castle Pub as part of Sideshow, the official fringe to the British Art Show 2010. Frank Abbott revisits his involvement in creating The Tales of Robin Hood 20 years ago and rewrites its architecture onto the Castle Green. British Antarctic Survey artist in residence, Chris Dobrowolski presents an artist’s talk at the Castle about the time it took to get to the Antarctic and what he found when he got there. Hetain Patel experiments with ‘stand up’ for the first time at the Castle Pub. His work-in-progress reflects on the time he spent growing his hair to explore his cultural identity. Medium Rare, a collective of Nottingham Trent University students and Southpaw Junction, recent graduates from De Montfort University, present time-themed performance installations en route. Other work inhabits unusual locations around the Castle including one-to-one performances in the gatehouse and the caves.
Frank Abbott
Wayne Burrows
Kathryn Cooper
Chris Dobrowolski
Graham Elstone
Rachel Gomme
Kristy Guest
Johanna Hällsten
Lucky Fin Productions
Medium Rare
The Megaphones
Gemma Neep
Oyster Eyes
Hetain Patel
Daniel Somerville
Southpaw Junction
Hatch: It’s About Time is supported by Embrace Arts at the RA Centre, Nottingham Castle and Museum and Sideshow. Hatch is a peripatetic platform for performance work based in Nottingham established in 2008 to transform the regional live art landscape through platform events.