Wednesday 11 November 2009

Poptronics Translation - rough version

Here's a collaborative (me and Babel fish) attempt at a translation of the Poptronics review (it's abit ropey so if any lovely French speakers out there think they can improve it I would be most grateful):

In heart of East London, between the underground stations Bethnal Green and Whitechapel, a very popular district abounding in galleries, Kathryn Cooper exposes to the PEEP! Gallery the second part of “Where C all the tea bags go?”. It is during the preparation of the first part of the exposure, with Daniel Shand Gallery, at the end of October, that poptronics met this young artist born in Yorkshire. Starting point of this exposure: a sachet of tea. So british!

Kathryn Cooper accumulates things and ideas and them realises them in many forms: artists books, collages or sound works. In “Where do all the tea bags go? ”, it is interested in manufacture of objects as banal as a cup of coffee, a milk carton or a tea bag, analyzing the process of A to Z, of the climatic conditions necessary to the good development of the plant up to the recycling or not of waste, once the good are manufactured. Kathryn Cooper attacks the economic system thus by peeling all the stages of the modular production. If the influence of the group Art & Language is obviously perceptible in this system of thought, its practice also joined the reflexions of Andreas Siekmann (in particular with its project “Aus Gesllschaft put beschränkter Haftung”, presented to Documenta 11), those of Lonnie van Brummelen and Siebren de Haan in their film “Monument with sugar  ” (2007) but also of Jean-Luc Moulène (“Produced of Palestine  ”, 2002-2004) and certain work of Christian Philipp Mueller, recently exposed to the Swiss Arts centre in Paris.

By revealing the invisible factors, even forgotten, with work during the consumption of a cup of tea, this installation rapidly outlines the general economy and the various companies which intervene in the production of this national drink. Diagrams, drawings and waste invade the space of the gallery, extend on the ground and climb on the reception office. The force of this work lies in this invasion of the space, which, in a compact and closed universe, force the visitor's reading. The written comment does not accompany work, it makes the work, underlining each digression and each failure of the reasoning. For poptronics, Kathryn Cooper comments on some of the parts of “Where do all the tea bags go?” (in English, of course).

Friday 9 October 2009

Interview with Poptronics

here is an interview of me by a french man. i thought it didn't exist anymore. It's from ages ago when I did a residency in east london.

it's in french! so i've read it but i only understand it in a misty sort of way like this...something something tea... something something very english... something something and language.

there are recordings of me talking also which i haven't listened to because i can't think of anything worse.... that's not true, but i feel all cringed up at the idea.

i'm talking in english.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

HAF form to assess your happiness

This form along with some other things will appear in 'The Pursuit of Happiness' book

Here are the words about it:

Dear All,

We are delighted to announce that apart from the The Pursuit of Happiness exhibition at the Arsenal Gallery in Poznan, Poland in May 2010 there is another upcoming event.

The official launch of The Pursuit of Happiness Project will be part of This Is Not A Gateway Festival.
This event will take place on Saturday, 24th October 2009 at Kobi Nazrul Centre, 30 Hanbury Street, London E1 6QR.
Time: TBC

This Is Not A Gateway (TINAG) is a voluntary organisation that creates arenas/platforms for those whose point of reference is the city. Working across disciplines, TINAG encourages inter-cultural dialogue (...)
For more details visit:

Our event aims to promote The Pursuit of Happiness Project in London. This launch will incorporate presentation of the first edition of our publication and a screening of works related to urban environment. The programme includes works by Merve Kaptan, Maria Kjartansdottir, Alicja Rogalska, Justyna Scheuring, Erica Scourti, Matthew Verdon, Siobhan Wanklyn and Fani Zguro.

Friday 7 August 2009

Looking for people to interview about happiness

I am looking to interview people for an art mission.

It will only take about 30 mins, and I'll video record it.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the interviews in the end for this is just a starting point.

I will be asking you questions about happiness.

If you are interested please email me ---> kafs at yahoo dot com


Tuesday 23 June 2009

Buildings of Leeds for Mr Andy Abbott

this is for Andy Abbott... maybe he might not use it.
But he is making a very interesting sounding book about....
in his words..

"basically i'm putting a publication together that will hopefully be a space for debate around the changing shape of the city as the cultural industries take hold and things like the Northern Art Prize, PSL, ESA, Axis etc get 'bigger'. the point will be to question how this might effect the grassroots or DIY activity that, for me, has made Leeds a place worth staying in for so long."

It'll be published by East Street Arts.

I think someone might be going to buy this picture... it is £50 unframed, and is A4.

I'm going to do another 5 i think.

Monday 20 April 2009

Rage and Turmoil and ruckuss

i got big déjà vu putting these pics up... weird old déjà vu. creepy times.'s some more pictures... they loosely go under the title of 'Rage and turmoil'

the top one was the basis of an illustration page for Mercy magazine in Liverpool.

the 2nd one was what i tried to do for the woodcut...oh yeah and that pic was published in that nice Gallery of Owls zine -->GeZean...

them bottom three were in an exhibition at the Arts Organisation in Nottingham in 2007... with some guns and a handgrenade that i made out of paper and masking tape.

a GCSE student saw them recently and cheerfully told me she was going to do that for her Art GCSE... fair doos.

Sunday 19 April 2009

more rolo coasters and trees and buildings stuck up em...

this guy he's real big. he's about a metre tall... maybe even more.

my sister has it hung above her telly... she wanted to hang it over her lovely real fire but that's probably not good for watercolours...?

Saturday 18 April 2009

rollycoasters housey tree mash up

this is a watercolour painting like trad like. it's abit bigger than A4 (it is £50 or £40 to mates init.)

Thursday 16 April 2009

cottaging up the wrong tree

i was listening to a radio 4 programme when i drew this about this woman who lived on her own somewhere... maybe in Norfolk. and she protected all the wildlife and the birds... and she lived on boiled eggs and toast, and was brilliant and fiercely independent.

i wish i could remember her name. ...awwww...i just tried to google it but no luck.

anyway...that is an irrelevant little tale.
this is on thin paper, it is A3 in size (£20)

some pictures that might be accidentally a bit angsty...ooops!

here's some drawings that are on paper. i think they are A4.
I think it'd be nice to sell them for £15 each.

they aren't prints, they are the one off the olden days before they discovered printing... which apparently began in China in 220 AD so these are like antiques!!!

i did them last year in ... May? I seemed to have an unhealthy interest in dog training at the time.

buildings on wheels and falling over and things

these pictures are on canvas. two of them are just pencil and the coloured in one has felt tip pens and pencil crayons used on it.

the coloured one is about 30cm wide.
the other two are 50cm x 40 cm on nice chunky canvases...about 5cm deep.

priceees = coloured one £25
pencils ones £100
or nearest offers

I'll hold your hand while you die so that you don't get scared.

just got round to photographing this guy properly. Welll, when i say properly, I have photographed it as best I can, It is a pencil drawing on white paper. It is not gray...don't be deceived.

He is a big drawing called ...

"I'll hold your hand while you die so that you don't get scared"

there were two of them that were like a pair but it's counter part has been sold to lady in Leeds somewhere.

It has a lovely big frame made by the nice man in the frame shop on Brick Lane.

It is costing £350 or nearest offer.


Friday 30 January 2009


i'm working on a woodcut at the moment... just to see if it'll work.

oh my goodness William Shatner is the best chat show host i've ever seen in my life.

The Bank of Tribulation at Hatch, Nottingham


This was in the past.
this was on 13th January in Nottingham

This is the cash machine of The Bank of Tribulation!!

This is the automatic teller machine!!!
Financial Planning For the End of Time 

The Pursuit of Happiness Exhibition

I'm working on a piece for The Pursuit of Happiness Exhibition

I think it's going to be in Glasgow and London, I'm not sure when.

I'm going to be following a self help book guide to happiness plan thing...
'The Happiness Plan' by Carmel McConnell
Im going to follow its 'Simple steps to happier life' 

somehow i'm going to figure out how to measure my happiness ...some kind of happy-o-meter ... and then see if it works.

This might require a video diary...lawks!!!