Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Buildings of Leeds for Mr Andy Abbott

this is for Andy Abbott... maybe he might not use it.
But he is making a very interesting sounding book about....
in his words..

"basically i'm putting a publication together that will hopefully be a space for debate around the changing shape of the city as the cultural industries take hold and things like the Northern Art Prize, PSL, ESA, Axis etc get 'bigger'. the point will be to question how this might effect the grassroots or DIY activity that, for me, has made Leeds a place worth staying in for so long."

It'll be published by East Street Arts.

I think someone might be going to buy this picture... it is £50 unframed, and is A4.

I'm going to do another 5 i think.


Holly Georgia said...

hello friend of jasper. thanks for being a follower! I think your art is marvelous!

Kathryn Cooper said...

thanks lots! i only just saw this message so sorry about the slow response!